Recruit Detail
Find out more about the work we do, the experience and skills we can bring to the table, and our terms and conditions.
Company Name
Horiba Ltd.
Development of gas analyzer using laser technology
Work Detail
We will develop a gas analyzer using Infrared Laser Absorption Modulation (IRLAM™). IRLAM is a further evolution of the infrared gas analysis technology that HORIBA has honed over many years, and HORIBA has positioned this technology as a new ``core technology'' that enables it to achieve ``high sensitivity,'' ``low interference,'' ``small size,'' and ``high reliability.'' You will be involved in a wide range of areas, from basic analysis methods to the development of applied products. After joining the company, you will initially be responsible for the duties listed, but after that, there is a possibility that your overall duties within the company or related groups may change depending on your individual aptitude.
Ideal Profile
[Requirements] ・Experience in research and development of laser-related technologies and products, or analytical measurement technologies and products using light. [Welcome requirements] ・LabVIEW programming skills ・Experience in handling high pressure gas ・Person with a Ph.D.
Work Location
520-0102 1-15-1 Naeka, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture
Phd. Stating Salary
Annual income 4 million yen - 8 million yen