Job Search

Recruit Detail

Find out more about the work we do, the experience and skills we can bring to the table, and our terms and conditions.

Company Name

National Research and Development Agency National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology


Postdoctoral researcher

Work Detail

(1) Research on ion acceleration using high-intensity laser

Ideal Profile

(1) Those who are willing to independently carry out research on the research themes set by this organization. (2) Those who have completed their doctoral degree within 8 years as of the date of employment. However, with regard to researchers of foreign nationality, at the time of new recruitment, those who have obtained a foreign license or qualification recognized by the organization as being equivalent to a Japanese physician, radiological technologist, or medical physicist within eight years, and who are deemed to have the same ability as a doctoral degree holder, are also eligible. If, after obtaining a doctoral degree, they have taken maternity leave as stipulated in the Labor Standards Act, childcare leave or family care leave as stipulated in the Childcare and Nursing Care Leave Act, those who have taken maternity leave as stipulated in the Labor Standards Act, childcare leave or nursing care leave as stipulated in the Childcare and Family Care Leave Act are excluded, and those who have been newly hired within eight years of obtaining their degree are also eligible. (3) Persons with a history of working as a postdoctoral researcher at our organization are not eligible to apply.

Work Location

Kizu district (Kizu)

Phd. Stating Salary

Remuneration is determined in the following categories based on annual salary system, experience, performance, etc. Monthly fee: 370,000 yen, 400,000 yen, 450,000 yen (social insurance premium and tax included)

Selection Flow

(1) Performance review (oral presentation using PowerPoint, etc. and Q&A) (2) Interview screening

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