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Company Name

Knowledge Palette Co., Ltd.


Drug discovery research field (Researcher: Biology)

Work Detail

Our mission is to ``generate unique drugs as quickly as possible,'' and we aim to create new drugs in disease areas with high unmet needs. We will take on the challenge of drug discovery and development using our unique approach from cell big data obtained by making full use of large-scale transcriptome analysis technology and advanced cell culture technology. We are looking for researchers who are motivated to save many patients through next-generation drug discovery and contribute to improving the quality of life. Specifically, you will be responsible for the following tasks: ・Identification of drug discovery target molecules, acquisition of biomarkers ・Construction of in vitro and in vivo systems to increase the efficiency of obtaining proof of concept (POC) ・Creation of clinically viable drugs not only for small molecules but also for new modalities, etc. There are also opportunities for joint research with other companies (including academia). Depending on suitability, etc., we may order you to transfer to work specified by the company.

Ideal Profile

Required skills (We are happy to consult with you even if the following does not completely apply to you) ・Equivalent to a doctoral degree from a science graduate school ・Rough understanding of pharmacology in general ・Construction of an assay system using cells and screening of drugs using it ・Basic molecular biology and biochemistry skills necessary to advance research welcome skills ・More than 5 years of drug discovery experience at a pharmaceutical company ・Program management, CRO management skills ・Have experience studying abroad and be able to communicate in English regarding your research field. ・Experience in proposing new drug discovery themes ・Possession of pharmacist qualification ・Experience working with iPS cells (especially differentiation into the central nervous system) ・Experience in planning and implementing in vivo pharmacological evaluation, ADME, and exploratory toxicity evaluation is a plus. ・Drug concentration measurement using HPLC, LC/MS, etc.

Work Location

Kobe Research Institute Please note that we may order you to transfer to a business location designated by the company (including reassignment that involves relocation).

Phd. Stating Salary

Determined based on experience, ability, age, etc. (annual income of 6 million yen or more), salary increase once a year, overtime allowance

Selection Flow

Apply Click the "Apply" button on each position page above, enter the necessary information, and apply. ↓ Document screening: Screening will be conducted based on the submitted documents. Regardless of whether you pass or fail, you will be notified of the results by email within a week or so. Successful candidates will be informed of the interview schedule. ↓ Interview During the interview, we will explain our business and discuss the job you will be responsible for. We also ask for a presentation from the candidate (self-introduction, motivation for applying, past experience, and personal skills). There will also be time for a question and answer session, so please ask if you have any questions. Regardless of whether you pass or fail, you will be notified of the results by email within a week or so. *Interviews will be conducted multiple times. *Conducted online or in person *You may be asked to submit additional documents, etc. ↓ A notice of offer will be sent to those who pass the final interview.

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